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Thomas Burns' Biography
Thomas G. Burns has 39 years of experience in operations, management, and strategic planning in all sectors of the international oil and gas business. He has operating experience in petrochemicals, refinery management, and marketing operations. He was the Science Policy Advisor at Chevron Corporation and General Manager of the Executive Staff of Chevron Overseas Petroleum, Inc., Chevron's international exploration and production subsidiary. In this position he was responsible for strategic planning, external affairs, community development, political risk analysis, and international technical issues. He has developed and negotiated investment and acquisition opportunities for Chevron Chemical Company. Mr. Burns has a BS and MS degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Over his career, Burns held leadership positions in many industry associations, including The Business Roundtable, the American Petroleum Institute, the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association, the Natural Gas Supply Association, the Western States Petroleum Association, and the US National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation. He is currently a member of the Board of Visitors of the Petroleum Industry Research Foundation, of the Advisory Board of Trexler and Associates, Inc., and works closely with the Solar Electric Light Fund in Washington.
As an expert on energy industry economics and global environmental matters, Burns made many presentations and granted numerous interviews over the years. In addition to local TV and radio news programs and interview shows, he has appeared on Nightline, MacNeill/Lehrer Newshour, NPR, CNN, CBS This Morning, and CBS Nightly News, and has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes Magazine, Houston Chronicle, Oil and Gas Journal, USA Today, and San Francisco Chronicle.
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"Global Climate Change: A Business Perspective," Chapter 10 in Climate Change Policy, edited by Stephen Schneider, Armin Rosencranz and John O. Niles, Island Press, 2002.
"California's electricity woes generate problems," Oil & Gas Journal, August 6, 2001, pp 46-53.
"Post-Kyoto climate policy possible,"Oil & Gas Journal, July 23, 2001, pp 20-26.
"Beyond Kyoto-What the World Needs Now," Petroleum Industry Research Foundation, May 2001.
"California's Electricity Woes and the Potential Impact on the Refining Industry," Petroleum Industry Research Foundation, May 2001.
"The California Air Resources Board…and the 'Elsewhere Emissions Vehicle,'" Petroleum Industry Research Foundation, December 2000.
"Challenges to the Consensus View of Future Energy Demand," Proceedings of the Thirteenth World Petroleum Congress, Buenos Aires, 1991.
"Issues in Petroleum Supply and Demand-Views of the Year 2000," Proceedings of the Twelfth World Petroleum Congress, Houston, 1987.
"The Art and Science of Energy Forecasting," Journal of Petroleum Technology, Distinguished Author Series, September 1984, pp 1437-1442.
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